Allow me for a moment, if you will, to introduce to you my trusting touring companion. I purchased this wonderful ride about six or seven months ago, and having survived the abuse of a Cleveland winter (with those very salty roads), I think it’s ready for some real mileage. Ladies and gentleman, the real star of the grand summer tour, my Trek FX 7.3. Get lost in it’s amazing bright redness.
Certainly, I’ve added a few things from the stock equipment. The rear rack is a recent addition, and I still need to mount a front rack on it and figure out the pannier/handlebar bag situation a little better. I’ll be sure to keep you up to speed on how I end up equipping the bike.
What I really love on this bike is the saddle. Like most stock saddles, I wasn’t wild about the one that came standard with this bike. Instead I dropped a nice chunk of change on the Terry Liberator Y saddle you see there. For as much as I try to be frugal, I’ve never had any compunction about dropping a hefty wad of cash on a good saddle. Having the right saddle makes it all worth it. The wrong saddle can absolutely kill your ride, whereas the right saddle can literally save your ass.
I’ll be sure to get some more bike pictures going as I get her more and better equipped in preparation.