Two months, seven states, and three thousand miles later…
Bike and Wine Travels in 2009
Hey sports fans, this is getting exciting, no? I’m almost to the coast…
It’s been many miles of riding. I’m sure you’re all sick of reading about cycling
Wow. OK. So I know I have a lot of catching up to do. My
I was able to spend three very lovely days in Yellowstone National Park. I ended
On July 25, 1805, The Corps of Discover, led by Captains Lewis and Clark, came
The mountains are coming! The mountains are coming! DUCK AND COVER! So I’ve made it
Montana gave me a heck of a welcome on Tuesday. One heck of a welcome,
Can you believe it has been three weeks, to the day, that I set out
Happy 4th of July from Sanborn, ND! I’m not in Sanborn any more, but I